One year, 12 Books: My product design reading list for 2023

Product design is a constantly evolving field and as a designer, it's important to stay informed and inspired. That's why I've set a goal for myself this year to read 12 books, one each month, to deepen my understanding and bring new perspectives to my work.

New Year's resolutions: It's a tradition as old as time itself, starting with the Babylonians who celebrated Akitu and recommitted to the gods. And let's not forget the Romans, with their own God of beginnings and endings (Janus) 🤯. Yet here we are today, still trying to keep our promises to ourselves.

But let's be real, giving up cake is no match for ancient religious commitments. Changing habits is hard and even the Romans struggled.

This year, I'm doing things differently. Instead of making a promise, I'm setting a challenge: read 1 book a month. It's achievable, and a much better goal than giving up the cake. I'm putting it out there for the world to see and hoping someone will join me on this journey.

My reading list (for this challenge) is all about product design books, to enhance my personal growth and improve my work as a designer. These books are all recommendations from forums and friends, but if you've got a better suggestion, I'm all ears.


*Some of the book cover images are not great, but for some reason, most of the book cover images on amazon (the source) are really small.

Here's the list:

1. User Friendly - How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play

by Cliff Kuang & Robert Fabricant 

Goodreads description:

In User Friendly, Cliff Kuang and Robert Fabricant reveal the untold story of a paradigm that quietly rules our modern lives: the assumption that machines should anticipate what we need. Spanning over a century of sweeping changes, from women's rights to the Great Depression to World War II to the rise of the digital era, this book unpacks the ways in which the world has been--and continues to be--remade according to the principles of the once-obscure discipline of user-experience design. Read more

Why will I read this?

I really hope that this book will bring me a better understanding of what is user friendliness and how it evolved over the years. We all have a general idea about it, but I want to try and find the "hidden stuff" the book title mentions. Lastly, I'm searching for some interesting facts about user-friendliness, so I can impress my friends at my next design reunion (this is probably the biggest "why")!

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2. The Age of AI: And Our Human Future

by Henry A KissingerEric Schmidt & Daniel Huttenlocher

Goodreads description:

An AI learned to win chess by making moves human grandmasters had never conceived. Another AI discovered a new antibiotic by analyzing molecular properties human scientists did not understand. Now, AI-powered jets are defeating experienced human pilots in simulated dogfights. AI is coming online in searching, streaming, medicine, education, and many other fields and, in so doing, transforming how humans are experiencing reality. Read more

Why will I read this?

I'm digging into the world of AI and found that this book is a bestseller about it. I want to understand how AI is evolving and how it'll impact our daily lives in the future. Plus, I'm curious if I should learn how to fight robots.

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3. The Creative Act: A Way of Being

by Rick Rubin

Goodreads description:

The Creative Act is a beautiful and generous course of study that illuminates the path of the artist as a road we all can follow. It distills the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime's work into a luminous reading experience that puts the power to create moments--and lifetimes--of exhilaration and transcendence within closer reach for all of us. Read more

Why will I read this?

This is the latest must-read book in the creative field, and I want to know why it's generating so much buzz. I've heard many glowing reviews and I'm eager to experience it for myself. The cover looks awesome, but am I judging a book by its cover? I guess I'll find out.

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4. Time to Listen: How Giving People Space to Speak Drives Invention and Inclusion

by Indi Young

Goodreads description:

Well, Goodreads didn't have a description for this book, but this quote that I found on amazon while I was looking for a book about user interviews, brought my attention to it:

“If you want to understand people if you want to serve them, sell to them, work with them… then you have to get good at listening to them. The good news is that you can, and that what you’ll find when you do will exceed your expectations.”

Why will I read this?

I've struggled with speaking more than listening, which impacts both my professional and personal life. ​ I'm just really excited about everything and love sharing my ideas, but sometimes it can make others feel left out. The good news is, I've been working on it and getting better at listening. I hope this book can help me get even better.

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5. The Politics of Design: A (Not So) Global Design Manual for Visual Communication

by Ruben Pater

Goodreads description:

Many designs that appear in today's society will circulate and encounter audiences of many different cultures and languages. With communication comes responsibility; are designers aware of the meaning and impact of their work? An image or symbol that is acceptable in one culture can be offensive or even harmful in the next. A typeface or color in a design might appear to be neutral, but its meaning is always culturally dependent. If designers learn to be aware of global cultural contexts, we can avoid stereotyping and help improve mutual understanding between people. Read more

Why will I read this?

I'm all about understanding different perspectives and this book looks like it's going to dive deep into that. I'm hoping it'll teach me how to be a better, more inclusive product design and maybe even a better person overall.

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6. 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People

by Susan Weinschenk

Goodreads description:

We design to elicit responses from people. We want them to buy something, read more, or take action of some kind. Designing without understanding what makes people act the way they do is like exploring a new city without a map: results will be haphazard, confusing, and inefficient. This book combines real science and research with practical examples to deliver a guide every designer needs. With it, you'll be able to design more intuitive and engaging work for print, websites, applications, and products that matches the way people think, work and play. Read more

Why will I read this?

First, it has been sitting on my bookshelf for some time. Second, this is one of those "must-read" books for product designers and it appears very promising. I have always appreciated books that are presented in an "easy to read" list format.

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Ok, we got to the middle of the list. Time for you to stretch your back and read this Ux design joke:

How many UX folks does it take to change a lightbulb?

Three. One person to change it, and two to shake their heads and discuss how much easier it should have been to change.

Kudos to Hilary Little


Stretched? Let's go back to the list...

7. The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you

by Rob Fitzpatrick

Goodreads description:

The Mom Test is a quick, practical guide that will save you time, money, and heartbreak. They say you shouldn't ask your mom whether your business is a good idea, because she loves you and will lie to you. This is technically true, but it misses the point. You shouldn't ask anyone if your business is a good idea. It's a bad question and everyone will lie to you at least a little. As a matter of fact, it's not their responsibility to tell you the truth. It's your responsibility to find it and it's worth doing right.

Why will I read this?

This book was recommended to me by my colleagues. At Prezly, we are placing a growing emphasis on user research, and this book appears to be an excellent resource to learn more about it. For a product designer, having the ability to effectively communicate with customers (users) is a valuable skill. I hope this book will help me improve in that area, and maybe even help me explain to my mom what I actually do for a living.

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8. Design for a Better World: Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered

by Donald A. Norman

Goodreads description:

The world is a mess. Our dire predicament, from collapsing social structures to the climate crisis, has been millennia in the making and can be traced back to the erroneous belief that the earth's resources are infinite. The key to change, says Don Norman, is human behavior, covered in the book's three major themes: meaning, sustainability, and humanity-centeredness. Emphasize quality of life, not monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. Design for a Better World presents an eye-opening diagnosis of where we've gone wrong and a clear prescription for making things better. Read more

Why will I read this?

This is the latest book from the "UX master" himself, Don Norman. As an advocate of Norman's Design Religion (not an actual church), reading this book is a must. Jokes aside - It addresses a topic that is very important to me. I truly believe that we all have a responsibility to leave the world better than it was when we arrived, and I hope this book will aid me in fulfilling that life goal.

*At the time I am writing this post, the book has not been launched yet and is expected to be released in March 2023.

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9. Writing Is Designing: Words and the User Experience

by Michael J. Metts & Andy Welfle

Goodreads description:

Without words, apps would be an unusable jumble of shapes and icons, while voice interfaces and chatbots wouldn’t even exist. Words make software human-centered and require just as much thought as branding and code. This book will show you how to give your users clarity, test your words, and collaborate with your team. You’ll see that writing is designing. Read more

Why will I read this?

Writing is a big part of my job, but it's not my strongest skill. I've been trying to improve (writing this blog is an example of my efforts), and I think a book on the subject would be a great way to learn and get better.

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10. The Cosmos of Design: Exploring the Designer’s Mind

by Simon Kretz

Goodreads description:

The Cosmos of Design' is a journey through the characteristic features of design thought processes that usually occur unconsciously. With the help of simple examples, designing is explored step by step: Creative experimentation and speculative thinking are highlighted in addition to cognition-oriented tests, iterative loops, and abductive conclusions. The result of this study is a coherent pattern of thought and an enlightening philosophy of design. As a resource for students and practitioners, 'The Cosmos of Design' is intended to broaden the understanding of design and to provide a theoretical foundation and practical inspiration. Read more

Why will I read this?

I love funny-shaped books, but the main reason I want to read this one is that I've heard great things about it online. It looks like an interesting read about how creativity works, and I hope it can give me some insight into my mind, even if I'm not holding out high expectations.

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11. Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

by Ajay AgrawalJoshua Gans & Avi Goldfarb

Goodreads description:

Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines describe what you can do to prepare. Banking and finance, pharmaceuticals, automotive, medical technology, retail. Artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into many industries around the world. But the truth is, it has just begun its odyssey toward cheaper, better, and faster predictions to drive strategic business decisions--powering and accelerating business. When a prediction is taken to the max, industries transform. The disruption that comes with such transformation is yet to be felt--but it is coming. Read more

Why will I read this?

Another AI book! I'm really curious about learning more about this topic. After reading "The Age of AI" to understand what AI is and how it works, I want to dive into how it's evolving and how it impacts our daily lives and economy.

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12. A Soul as Cold as Frost

by Jennifer Kropf

Goodreads description:

The Quarrel of Sword and Bone was a death sentence for anyone who stepped into the arena with the deranged Queen, whose soul had crisped to frost in an age long since past.

Sixteen-year-old Helen Bell understood tragedy better than most kids growing up. She knew what it was like to wear clothes from donation bins and be mocked by the beautiful girls in high school. She thought those brutal experiences made her ready for anything, but she wasn't ready for this. Read more

Why will I read this?

This is the only fiction book on my list, but it's one I've been wanting to read for a while (since it came out). It's part of a trilogy called "The Winter Souls" and it's been recommended for fans of Harry Potter, Narnia, and LOTR. I have high hopes for this one.

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That's a wrap, people! I will not take more of your time.

I hope you've enjoyed the list and that you join me in the year-wide adventure. If you have some other recommendations, please reach out on Twitter. If I have success this year, I'll probably continue it in the next and I will need new books.


See you around 👋


Hugo Felix

Product Designer @Prezly | →



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About My Super Studio

Hey there, my name is Hugo! 👋

I’m a digital product designer working at Prezly, where I've been helping the team create innovative and effective products for the past 3 years. I'm based in sunny Portugal, and I'm passionate about design tooling, UI design, and the intersection of form and function in product design.

In "My Super Studio", I share my life, my learnings, and my path to becoming a better product designer. Follow along and join me on this exciting journey! 🚀

Get in touch: ✉️